
PDE - PA Career Standards
This electronic toolkit provides resources, references, crosswalks and other tools to assist elementary, middle and high schools teachers and administrators in implementing the Pennsylvania Career Education and Work Standards.
PA Career Zone
This website offers assessments and ways to explore different career clusters and job families.  Information about hundreds of jobs, including job descriptions, videos, salary ranges, necessary education, and work abilities is also included. 
VA Career View
Games, activities, and information for students in grades K-5 about different occupations and careers.
Career Videos
This website has hundreds of videos of different jobs, occupations, and careers.
Paws in Jobland
Paws in Jobland ignites interest in career awareness and exploration, encourages reading skills development and expands computer navigation skills for students in kindergarten through fifth grade.
K-12 School Publications
From coloring pages to career planning guides, these student publications cover the whole spectrum of career education.
Career Clusters
Career Clusters link school-based learning with the knowledge and skills required for success in the workplace. This website can help students of all ages explore different career options and better prepare for college and career.  Each of the 16 Career Clusters represents a distinct grouping of occupations and industries based on the knowledge and skills they require. 
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