

    back to school


    Hello! My name is Mrs. Spotts!

    I am the Full-time Learning Support teacher. This is my fourth year at Tamaqua Area High school!  


    Listed below are the class codes for each of my classes on Google Classroom:


    Senior Homeroom: tpqdtis 

    Period 1 - Career Education: 4jcknj5

    Period 2 - Language Arts: et7qep4

    Period 3- Math: gxxkuir

    Period 4 - Functional Math: fs3bivf

    Virtual Learners: elav4gy




                                                                            Contact Information:                  

                                                            School Phone - (570) 668 - 1901   Ext: 2106

                                                            Email - bspotts@tamaquasd.org