• Mrs. Klingaman
    Crater Lake




    Contact Information
    Tamaqua Area High School
    500 Penn Street
    Tamaqua, PA  18252
    E-Mail:  kklingaman@tamaquasd.org
    Phone Number:  (570)668-1901
    Fax Number:  (570)668-2970
    2024-2025 Courses
    Honors Biology - 10th grade
    Survey of Chemistry - 11th grade
    Chemistry - 11th grade
    Class Schedule
    1st Period - Study Hall
    2nd Period - Chemistry
    3rd Period - Lab (Honors Bio TH & Chemistry WF)
    4th Period - Honors Biology
    5th Period - Prep
    6th Period - Lunch
    7th Period - Survey of Chemistry
    8th Period - Survey of Chemistry
    9th Period - Survey of Chemistry
    Google Classroom Codes:
    2nd Period Chemistry - bthitx7
    4th Period Honors Biology - kovwgnu
    7th Period Survey of Chemistry (2024) - 5nqji75
    8th Period Survey of Chemistry (2024) - ikhjnkt
    9th Period Survey of Chemistry(2024)- olf6t96
    Class of 2026 (Junior Class) - jpzaye3
    Environmental Club - 6732bnx
    Biology Club - w2wok2q

     Courses Taught
    Environment and Ecology - 9th grade
    Honors Environmental Science/Ecology - 9th grade
    Biology - 10th
    Honors Biology - 1oth
    Chemistry - 11th
    Survey of Chemistry - 11th grade
    Virtual Academy - All Sciences
    Bachelor of Science, Biology:  Microbiology/Cell Biology
         Kutztown University, 2000
    Master of Education, Secondary Education:  Curriculum and Instruction
         Kutztown University, 2006