• Dear 8th grade students and parents/guardians,

    The following fundraising opportunities are available to fund the 8th grade trip to Knoebels (May 2025):

    October: Tommy’s Hoagie & Pizza Coupon Sale (earn $2.50 for each hoagie or pizza coupon) 

    November: Stadium Hill Cafe gift cards (earn $1 for each card)

    February: Kowalonek vouchers (earn $5 for each voucher)  Click here for Kowalonek order form

    March: Skipper Dippers Gift Cards (earn $1 for each card)  Click here for Skipper Dippers Order Form


    Students need to each raise $50 profit to cover the cost of their ticket, class shirt and transportation for the trip. They may participate in as many of the above fundraisers as they would like in order to reach their goal or they may participate in the buyout option by sending in a check made payable to “TASD” for $50. Please write the student’s name on the memo line of all checks (buyout or to pay for fundraisers).

    More information regarding the trip will be sent home in the future.

    The 8th Grade Dance will be held on Friday, May 9 from 6-9. Click here for 8th grade dance rules

    If you have any questions or concerns, please contact 8th grade class advisor, Mrs. Megan Frantz at mfrantz@tamaquasd.org or call 570-668-1210.


    Mrs. Megan Frantz

    8th Grade Class Advisor


Last Modified on Tuesday at 12:35 PM