- Tamaqua Elementary School
- Welcome!
Morgan, Gina: 5th Grade
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Phone: 570-668-3306
Degrees and Certifications:
Elementary Education K-6 ~Lycoming College, 2010 Master's Degree in Classroom Technology ~Wilkes University, 2014 Online Teaching Certificate ~Wilkes University, 2019 Master's Degree in Online Teaching ~Wilkes University, 2021 STEM Certification ~Wilkes University, 2023 Google Certified Educator
Mrs. Morgan
Welcome to 5th grade!!
Hello! I am so excited to get the new school year started! I will be teaching Science and Social Studies to all 5th grade students. I will also teach Technology to my homeroom and Mrs. Clemson's homeroom.
Information for now:
Suggested Supplies ~updated for the 2024-2025 school year
Reminder for logging onto Google accounts on ANY device:
school gmail account: username.taes@tamaquasd.org (example: csmith.taes@tamaquasd.org)
password: regular password
This information will be provided to students on the first day of school.
Amazon Wishlist- thank you for any donations in advance!