7th Grade Social Studies Course Description

  • American History 1865-1929

    Building a Powerful Nation


    Chapter 5 - Reconstruction 1865-1877

        During the time period after the Civil War the United States went through dramatic social and economic changes.  African Americans obtained their freedom, while the South redefined their place in the Union.


    Chapter 6 - The Expansion of American Industry 1850-1900

         Rapid industrial progress transformed the United States into a powerful nation, especially during the 1800's.  Unfortunately, those who managed these large-scale industries typically had laborers working under very poor conditions.   


    Chapter 7 - Looking to the West 1860-1900

         The lands west of the Mississippi created opportunities for ranching, farming, and mining.  During this time many Native Americans were forced out of their lands as men from the east sought ways to earn money and transform their lands. 


    Chapter 8 - Politics, Immigration, and Urban Life 1870-1915

         The years from 1870-1915 saw a time period of political corruption, immigration laws, a growing urban class, and social reforms.  Many people competed for their share of the "American Dream."


    Chapter 9 - Life at the turn of the Twentieth Century 1870-1915

         As cities grew larger and America experienced more industrial growth, the United States began to transform socially and culturally.  Some Americans held on to old ideals regarding social roles, while others, especially African Americans and women, began to push for change. 


    Chapter 10 - Becoming a World Power 1890-1915

         Although troubling to some, the United States looks to expand its empire and define its role as a world power.  As the United States begins seizing new territories and expanding its markets, conflict begins both domestically and internationally.


    Chapter 11 - The Progressive Reform Era 1890-1920

         As a new century approaches, many American citizens seek to change the nation for the better.  Many new reforms at the national, state, and local levels have lasting effects on American society.


    Chapter 12 - World War I Era 1914-1920

         Although the United States wanted to maintain its neutrality, the nation enters into WWI to keep and support its allies and defend its commercial interests internationally.  This chapter looks at Americans, both domestically and in Europe, during this time period. 


    Chapter 13 - Postwar Social Change 1920-1929

         Again the force of change sweeps over America after WWI.  The Jazz Age introduces a variety of new styles, tastes and manners into America.  While some Americans welcome this new change, others resist this new postwar American style.


    Chapter 14 - Politics and Prosperity 1920-1929

         Fresh out of WWI, Americans begin focusing on returning to a "normal" life.  Both the government and citizens look to improve the nation's economy.