Course Requirements


    History Classroom Guidelines

    Mr. Opolsky 

    An average of 70% or better is required to pass this course.

    Please respect the classroom.  Ask before taking or using anything in the classroom.

    Please use the following site to review classroom guidelines, homework, class schedules, and course requirements –

    Class participation is highly encouraged.  Please share your ideas with the class.  

    Lateness to class will not be tolerated.  Students are asked to be at their desks by the sound of the last bell ring.  Two warnings will be given before a discipline report is sent to the office.

    Neither book bags nor coats are allowed in the classroom.

    Candy, food, and drink are prohibited in the classroom.

    Assignments must be completed as assigned.  Homework is expected to be handed in during the class period it is due.  On late projects, essays and larger homework assignments, only a fraction of the points will be granted.  Cheating and/or plagiarism on an assignment will result in an automatic zero and disciplinary action will be taken.

    Students should bring their Chromebook to class each day.  Textbook chapters are available in our Google Classroom. Students may sign out a physical textbook to take home in the evening on an as needed basis.  All class notes, worksheets and handouts will be made available through our Google Classroom to reference during and after class.

    (And finally…) Proper classroom behavior is expected.  All middle school rules are to be followed.


    These rules will provide equal learning opportunities and a stable environment for all students.  We look forward to meeting each student and working towards a successful year!