
    Course Guidelines





    ü An average of 70% or better is required to pass this course.

          ü   Class participation is highly encouraged. Please share your
              ideas with the class.

    ü Lateness to class will not be tolerated. Students are

          asked to be at their desks by the sound of the last bell



    ü Book bags and coats are not allowed in the classroom.


         ü Homework, if assigned, is expected to be submitted
               during the class period it is due. Cheating and/or plagiarism
               on an assignment will result in an automatic zero and
               disciplinary action will be taken.


    ü Students should bring their CHARGED Chromebook, Chromebook charger, ear

          buds/headphones, folder, and pencil to class each day. Textbook lessons will be uploaded to Google



    ü   Proper classroom behavior is expected at all times.  All

          middle school rules are to be followed.