Welcome to Fifth Grade
You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself in
any direction you choose.
By: Dr. Seuss Oh the Places You'll Go
Mrs. Clemson

Hello! Welcome to a new school year at Tamaqua Elementary! My name is Cristy Clemson. I am thrilled to be teaching fifth grade again this year. My teaching experiences include many years in public and private education. I love to spend time with my husband, our chocolate lab, and our children. I am excited for this new school year and all the fun adventures to begin!
Fun things about me: I love spending time with my family, reading, and running.
If you have any questions for me during the school year, you may call the school at 570-668-3306 or email me at cclemson@tamaquasd.org. I will try to return your call either after school or during any available planning periods. Please allow me 24 hours to return your call or email.
Fifth Graders: Be sure to set a good example for your younger classmates. You should be displaying and abiding by the Raider Rules. Be respectful, have a positive attitude, work on being independent, show your determination, be enthusiastic and responsible, and ultimately you will see success.