
    Please click the link above to access our 2nd Grade Curriculum.
    Eureka Math2
    Eureka Math2 is a math program designed to advance equity in the math classroom by helping students build enduring math knowledge. It is broken down into six modules that students will work through during their time in second grade.
    Reading & Language (The Adventures of the Superkids)
    Superkids is a comprehensive English language arts curriculum crafted for grades K-2 using evidence based literacy practices. This effective program follows a unique systematic and explicit instructional path through engaging, increasingly complex text.
    It is important to read to or with your child everyday!  Set aside a special time each night to read...maybe even right before bed.  Your child will learn that reading is fun and important to you.  They will watch as you read, make connections to the story, and further develop their imaginations.  Reading to them will also help them to practice listening and paying attention. Remember Scholastic book orders are sent home every month! Have fun and "Happy Reading!"  :)
    We will be using the FOSS science program.  It engages students while they explore the natural world.  The children will be organizing, comparing, communicating, observing and keeping a science journal with their findings. 
    Social Studies
    The Harcourt Brace series provides us with our curriculum.  The units include:  We Belong to Many Groups, Where We Live, We All Work Together, People Making History, Being a Good Citizen, and People in Time and Place.