• What does your child need for Kindergarten?


    ➤ Pencil Box (Hard)

    ➤ 4 Pencils

    ➤ 1 Block Eraser

    ➤ 1 Large Glue Stick

    ➤ 2 black Expo fine point or extra fine point dry erase markers

    ➤ 1 Pair of Child Safety Scissors (Labeled with their name.)

    ➤ 1 Clear Backpack

    ➤ Daily healthy peanut and tree nut free snack (Lunchbox not required)

    ➤ One box of tissues

    It is not necessary to send any additional items such as crayons, sharpeners, colored pencils, markers, etc. All other materials will be provided in the classroom. Thank you kindly!

    Classroom supplies can also be purchased from my Amazon wishlist. 


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