- Tamaqua Area High School
- YES Program-General Info
Your Employability Skills (YES) Program
Room 100
Course Syllabus and Grading Policy
Mr. Matulevich
Course Description: The YES Program, is designed to prepare students to meet the needs of the employment community, and to develop a student’s employability skills. Seven key areas of study include communication, teamwork, personal development, technology, safety and health, quality and the development of math skills.
Grading Policy:
Your grade will be calculated on total points for the following areas: Class Participation, Projects, In- class assignments, Quizzes/Tests.
1. Class Participation: Includes coming to class prepared and participating on a daily basis. More specifically, bringing necessary items to class, participating in daily discussions with appropriate and thoughtful comments/questions and finally, class conduct (paying attention, taking notes, following rules, not talking out of turn and completing in-class assignments.).
2. Projects: We will complete various projects throughout the semester, some taking more time (multiple class periods) than others.
3. Tests and Quizzes: All tests will be announced, while some quizzes may be unannounced. If you are absent the day of an announced test or quiz, you will be expected to take the test or quiz within two days of your return.
Letter grades will follow the district grading scale
1. You will be required to maintain a notebook for this class (preferably a three ring binder)
a. Keep all handouts, test and quizzes in your folder at all times.
2. It is your responsibility to complete assignments and make up all missed work.
-Bring the following items to class: notebook, pencil/pen, and a good attitude!
-All class assignments need to be completed on your own (unless otherwise specified). Any cheating/copying will result in no credit for that assignment.
-You are required to complete all in class assignments as they are given in class. If you choose not to complete an in class assignment during the class period it is assigned, you will receive no credit for that assignment or project.
-You are expected to be in class on time; points will be deducted for late arrivals.
- Follow computer usage guidelines.
-Respect yourself, others and the teacher at all times…the “golden rule”.
All students at TAHS have the right to learn, if you choose to impede the learning process or prevent me from teaching and others from learning there will be consequences. These consequences may include: teacher detention, school detention, parental contact, and, if necessary, administrative intervention.