
    Middle School Band

    It is my pleasure to welcome you to Tamaqua School District's Middle School instrumental music program.  During this time, all students involved in the Instrumental Music Department will participate in the Middle School Band. This concert band meets every Tuesday and Thursday 9th period.  During this time, your child will have the opportunity to share in a marvelous and exciting gift... the gift of music. The students will perform both a Christmas concert as well as a spring concert.  The Christmas concert will be held Wednesday, December 18, 2024, at 7:00p.m. (The snow date is Thursday, December 19, 2024.) The spring concert will be held Thursday, May 8, 2025 at 7:00p.m.  Both concerts will be held in the Tamaqua School District Auditorium.
    (The Tamaqua School District Auditorium is located between the Middle School and High School) 
    (Please note that Middle School Band is a graded course. Therefore, students are not permitted to make up work during this time and they must come prepared with their instrument, book, a pencil and music.  Please refer to the link below for more information.)





Last Modified on August 22, 2024