- Tamaqua Area Middle School
- 6th Grade General Science Guidelines
- Student Responsibilities
- Be prepared for class each day with your Chromebook, charger, & headphones.
- Virtual students should be logging on to Google Meet during the scheduled period.
- Homework will be completed through Google Classroom.
- If absent, you are responsible for missed work. Please look at my website and google classroom for the missed work. Email if you have any questions.
- Please check the teacher website/google classroom daily for upcoming assignments and assessments along with due dates.
- Tutoring/help is available during flex period or office hours (2:30-3:00).
- Our science textbook is online. I will give students the login information once I get it.
- It is recommended that both parents and students sign-up for the Remind app. It makes it very easy to communicate with me if you have any questions. Info to sign-up can be found on my web page.
2. Grading
**Grade will be based on total points earned from the categories listed below.**
- Chapter Tests
- Quizzes
- Homework
- Online Labs/Activities/Projects
**Tests will be worth 100 points and the point value of other items will vary. I will send out a study guide before a test that can be used as a review and can be used when taking the test.**
Email: mmurphy@tamaquasd.org
Phone: 570-668-1210
Last Modified on October 18, 2022