• National Junior Honor Society


    The purpose of this organization is to create enthusiasm for  scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, to promote leadership, to develop character, and to encourage good citizenship.




    ¨       Students in seventh grade who have been enrolled at TAMS for at least one semester are eligible for membership consideration.

    ¨       Students’ cumulative academic records shall be reviewed at the end of the second marking period to determine scholastic eligibility.

    ¨       Eligible students will be notified in a letter from the chapter adviser and will be invited to participate in the   selection process.

    ¨       The student/parent consent form must be signed and returned by the designated due date and candidates must attend a meeting with the adviser on the date specified.

    ¨       The chapter adviser will request information on each candidate from the faculty.

    ¨       Candidates must complete the Student Activity Information Form and submit it by the designated due date.  This form should provide description and verification of a minimum of five hours of service within a one-year period.

    ¨       Candidates must obtain a letter of recommendation from a non-related

          adult who has known them for at least two years.             

    ¨       The faculty council shall review information on each candidate.  A majority vote is needed for selection. 

    ¨       A list of candidates will be provided to the principal for final approval.

    ¨       Notification of selection or non-selection will be in the form of a letter from the adviser.

    ¨       New members will be inducted at a special ceremony.



    Criteria for Membership


    To be eligible for membership, the student must have a cumulative average of 90.00 or above.  This will be determined based on the school’s computer grading system.          Attendance and disciplinary records must be satisfactory.


    The student of character:

    ·         Takes criticism willingly and accepts recommendations graciously

    ·         Consistently exemplifies desirable qualities of behavior (e.g., cheerfulness, friendliness, poise, stability)

    ·         Cooperates by complying with school regulations concerning property, programs, office, halls, etc.

    ·         Demonstrates the highest standards of honesty and reliability

    ·         Regularly shows courtesy, concern, and respect for others

    ·         Observes instructions and rules, is punctual, and faithful both inside and outside the classroom

    ·         Manifests truthfulness in acknowledging obedience to rules, avoiding cheating in written work, and showing an unwillingness to profit by the mistakes of others

    ·         Actively helps rid the school of bad influences or environment


    The student who serves:

    ·         Volunteers and provides dependable and well-organized assistance, is gladly available, and is willing to sacrifice to offer assistance

    ·         Works well with others and is willing to take on difficult or inconspicuous responsibilities

    ·         Cheerfully and enthusiastically renders any requested service to the school

    ·         Is willing to represent the class or school in interclass and interscholastic competition

    ·         Does committee and staff work without complaint

    ·         Participates in some activity outside of school (e.g., Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, religious groups, volunteer services for elderly, poor, or disadvantaged)

    ·         Mentors persons in the community or students at other schools

    ·         Shows courtesy by assisting visitors, teachers, and students.



    The student who exercises leadership:

    ·         Is resourceful in proposing new problems, applying principles, and making suggestions

    ·         Demonstrates initiative in promoting school activities

    ·         Exercises positive influence on peers in upholding school ideals and spirit

    ·         Contributes ideas that improve the civic life of the school

    ·         Is able to delegate responsibilities

    ·         Exemplifies positive attitudes

    ·         Inspires positive behavior in others

    ·         Demonstrates academic initiative

    ·         Successfully holds school offices or positions of responsibility

    ·         Conducts business effectively and efficiently

    ·         Demonstrates reliability and dependability

    ·         Is a leader in the classroom, at work, or in other school or community activities

    ·         Is dependable in any responsibility accepted.



    The student who demonstrates citizenship:

    ·         Understands the importance of civic involvement

    ·         Has a high regard for freedom and justice; respects the U. S. form of government; and respects the laws

    ·         Demonstrates mature participation and responsibility through involvement in activities



    Attention to personal responsibility is a reflection of a student’s character.  This is a quality important to membership selection. 

    Materials must be handed in by designated due dates.




    Chapter Adviser: Mrs. Megan Frantz


    Room 370


    Tamaqua Middle School

