• 2011-12 Boys Basketball Rosters:
    7th Grade                                     8th Grade
    Jacob Banditelli                          Owen Bates
    William Derr                                   Joe Berezwick
    Zach Filloy                                      Russ Blaker                                  
    Joshua Gordon                            Zach Coleman
    Tyler Hollenbach                          Dakota George
    Raymond Kinder                          Dillon George
    Riley McHugh                                Nathan Gerace                     
    Adam Melnick                              Matthew Minchhoff
    Chris Miller                                      Devin Moerder
    Zeke Wassell                                  Cullen Murphy
    Dylan Woods                                 Teague Schmidt
                                                              Robert Stidham
                                                              Austin Zwolenik
    Click the following link for this year's schedule and win/loss record: