Welcome to Mrs. Schellhammer's
Title 1 Reading Classes!
Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.
-Henry Ford
Google Classroom Codes
Grade 8 Reading, Thinking, and Writing
Grade 7 Reading
Grade 6 Reading
During the 2024-25 school year, I will be teaching 6th & 7th-grade Title I Reading and 8th-grade Title I Reading, Thinking & Writing in a co-taught classroom with Mrs. Morrison. Class assignments and texts will be posted to Google Classroom once the school year begins. Follow the link on the homepage for instructions on how to log in to the Google Classroom from home. You can even download the app on your phone. All students should also check the websites of their language arts teachers for upcoming assignments. Both the language arts and reading faculty work together to meet the needs of our students.
Contact Information:
Mrs. Kristine L. Schellhammer
Tamaqua Area Middle School
502 Penn Street
Tamaqua, Pennsylvania
email: kschellhammer@tamaquasd.org